Movie Voter - Group Project
In The Beginning...
This was the first Group Coding Project that I completed. I consider this project a very successful failure. In the end our app did not work, but we all gained a lot of knowledge about teamwork and communicating. We had One Designer (Me), a Front-End Developer and Two Back-End Developers. Our goal was to accomplish the creation of an app in which users could log into and vote on the movies they most anticipated for the summer of 2016.
The Research...
IWe established the parameters of that we wanted to accomplish. Since we only had 3 days to complete this we had to stay focused not to try to do too much with the minimal amount of time that we had. We set to make a site where anyone could log, and vote on the movies they were anticipating for the upcoming summer season. The highest ranked movies would then move to the top as the numbers changed and one was bumped from the top. I also completed some research to make sure I could legally use the images from movie posters for this site. It's legal by the way.
The Design...
Since this site was an effort to vote on movies, I took a lot of inspiration from sites like RedBox, Netflix and Flixter. I wanted to create a responsive design that can me used from mobile to desktop. I wanted a friendly design that had Hollywood style layout. The group decided to categorize each section by genre for the sake of continuity and the Users sanity.
The Results...
In the end I viewed this project as my most successful failure. It was a great experience working with individuals from both front end and back end. We learned the value of communication and that a project will most likely not go as planned. Also you have to work with the time that you have and stay focused on the MVP. Checkout the design right here or view the code on Github.