Mobile Design- Bad News Beer League
In The Beginning...
This was a fun project where I got to experiment with mobile design using the the Invision App. The goal of the project was to create an app for a recreational sports team. Having past experience with a softball team I decided that would be a fun sport to tackle.
The Research...
For the research portion I did a SWOT Analysis, User Personas and a Paper Prototype.
This was the first time I had tried Paper Prototyping before, but it gave me a great deal of information for how the app's path should go.
The Design...
The design I decided was going to be fun. Fun and functional. I chose as a my inspiration the Bad News Bears Movie from 1976. One of my favorite baseball movies. This gave me direction for my color palette and over all feel of my app. The direction was heading toward Vintage and Beer League-ish.
The Results...
The ending product was something that I was very proud of. Checkout The Live Site.